Aug 19, 2011

Follow Friday

Q. If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

I'm not sure I know how to answer that.  I am more scientific in nature and I guess I would like to have something that deals with the sciences.  I read so many books, I should be able to pinpoint it more, but there is just too much to work with and my imagination isn't really that great.  That is why I READ books and not WRITE them.  ;)


  1. hey! I usually don't answer the question b/c everyone has different questions today lol. have a good Friday!

    Followin you!! Hope you'll stop by my blog! :)

  2. Hopping by to say "Hi"! I'm a new follower. :) I was stumped as well, and liked your answer. Very diplomatic. ;) Have a great weekend!

  3. lol - that's a good answer! made me laugh and it's a valid point!

    Trish - My Friday Memes

  4. I think all characters are little slices of the author's own personality!


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